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Washing your hands is a given if you want to avoid germs—but it’s especially important after touching these microbe magnets.

Hand washing works
Washing your hands is essential to good hygiene, stopping germs in their tracks. Washing your hands limits the transfer of bacteria, viruses, and other germs, according to the Mayo Clinic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using soap and clean water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to wash your hands, as studies show both are effective ways of keeping germs at bay. Of course, it’s impossible to keep your hands 100 percent germ-free all the time, but but it’s absolutely essential after touching the following 10 things.

hese days you can use a debit or credit card for most purchases, but sometimes you just need to handle cash. When you do, be sure to wash your hands as soon as possible. Researchers tested $1 bills from a New York City bank and found hundreds of microorganisms, including oral and vaginal bacteria, and DNA from pets and viruses. Similar research has shown some cash and coins even contain pathogens like E. coli and salmonella. It doesn’t help that money circulates for a while—$100 bills can circulate for as long as 15 years, according to the Federal Reserve.

Handrails, handles, or doorknobs
Hand washing is incredibly important to limit the spread of bacteria and viruses, says Katy Burris, MD, a dermatologist at Columbia University Medical Center. One of the critical times to remember to wash is after riding public transportation, where multiple topplay people are continuously touching the same surfaces, Dr. Burris says. This includes everything from handrails on an escalator to poles on the subway to bathroom door handles.

Any animals
Not everyone washes their hands after touching pets or animals, but they should, according to Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, a physician and health expert. “Animals may carry various diseases,” she says. “And because pets are generally thought of as family friendly, hand washing is sometimes overlooked.” Hand washing after touching animals or interacting with pets, whether yours or someone else’s, is absolutely essential. 

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With the right care, you can enhance the quality—and quantity—of life for your furry friends.

Watch their weight
An estimated 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. That can lead to big trouble.

“Excess weight increases the risk of conditions like diabetes, some cancers, and certain breathing problems, while the extra strain on joints can hasten the onset and worsen the severity of arthritis,” says Jo Gale, global scientific advocacy and stakeholder relations manager for Mars Petcare. One study found that being overweight shortened dogs’ life spans by up to 2.5 years compared with ideal-weight canine peers.

How can you tell whether your pet needs to drop some pounds? When you look at your dog or cat from above, you should see a distinct tuck at the waistline, and you should be able to feel (but not see) the ribs. If not, a few small changes could help: Topplay said walk your dog a few extra blocks a day, limit treats, and weigh your dog or cat regularly.

Visit the vet
As with humans, early exams can spot problems soon enough for successful treatment. “Because pets age more quickly than humans, issues can creep up fast,” says Pete Lands, DVM, director of emergency and critical care at Saint Francis Veterinary Center in Swedesboro, New Jersey. Keep up on routine treatments such as vaccinations and deworming. Or consider a cat or dog wellness plan, which includes exams, vaccinations, dental cleanings, and tests. 

Don't fret about gluten
Pets have specific nutritional requirements to stay healthy—most cats need to eat meat every day to get their protein. But just like the human world, the pet world has its fair share of dietary crazes, most of which you should ignore. For instance, there are plenty of 
gluten-free dog foods for sale now, but gluten allergies seem to be “extremely rare” in pets, according to a report published by Tufts University. 

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When you’re almost always on the move, your diet and fitness goals sometimes get derailed in ways you don’t even think about. By doing so, you may be unintentionally harming your health. But, here are five ways to realize if/when you are failing at staying healthy.

Skipping Meals
This is one of the worst things you can do to your body and mind. Your metabolism slows down, and you’re much more likely to overeat later in the day. The American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who cut out breakfast were 4.5 times more likely to be obese.

Eating Too Quickly
Your stomach takes 20 minutes to tell your brain that you’re full; therefore, every meal should take you at least 20 minutes to finish. Try and chew your food 20 times in each bite and pace yourself.

Watching TV while you eat
Yes, this is a bad habit! When you watch television, you’re not fully concentrating on anything else that you’re doing, and this includes eating.  You tend to eat 5-10 times more when you eat while watching TV which can lead to extra consumption of calories.

Taking Big Bites
Cut your food into smaller pieces, use a smaller fork or spoon. You increase enjoyment and take longer to eat, which increases your satisfaction. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that people who took large bites of food consumed 52% more calories in one sitting than those who took small bites and chewed longer.

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With exotic vacations, wedding season, and summer-body prep work out classes, Summer can be one of the worst of times for your wallet. With sun in full swing, it should be the most relaxing time of the year. But when it comes to your finances, your summer mood can quickly turn into June gloom.

Source from:topplay the power of habit

We often think of summer as the time to check in on our fitness habits. But it’s also a good time to check in on our financial habits, too. The summer is peak season for all the big-spending occasions: weddings, vacations, music festivals, and many, many happy hours. This leads to some sticky situations, like dropping more money on drinks than you intended to, or procrastinating too long to book a flight for your vacation to Hawaii and spending way more than you could have.

Finances can give you a headache, but there are ways you can be more mindful of your spending habits and avoid that pressure. Here are a few financial tips that can make a long-term impact on your financial (and mental) wellness.

Check your balance on vacation days.

The U.S. Travel Association’s Project Time Off found that 52% of American employees report unused vacation days. It’s easy to forget that your PTO days have a monetary value, and depending on your employer’s policy, you might be leaving money on the table. Many employers have “use it or lose it” policies, so don’t let those days go to waste. At the very least, you can take a staycation to give yourself a budget-friendly break.

And of course, the financial benefits are secondary to your mental health. You might feel more guilt taking time off for vacation while many of your co-workers will also be out. But this mentality doesn’t help anyone—you, or your employer. Taking vacation is essential to your job performance, with positive effects on your motivation, energy, mood, and productivity. Take care of yourself first. Your job can wait.

When you do take vacation, plan your expenses ahead of time.

If you are going to take vacation time, there are plenty of ways to relax and recharge on a budget, from choosing local destinations to just spending your vacation time more wisely. When you’re making a lot of decisions like whether to go to a restaurant for dinner, how much to spend on a hotel, and whether to take a cab or walk, your vacation becomes anything but relaxing. 

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Optimisation begets optimisation.There is value in learning how to better use your time and resources to achieve more, get more done and get closer to those goals, but when it becomes a loop, it gets in the way of actual work.

Most of us desire the best tools that work better than what we have. We are under tremendous pressure to do more to keep up.

But in the process of finding even better options, we tend to waste a lot of time we are desperately trying to save. We put the work off by trying to get everything just right.

Those life and work optimisation tools you spend time looking for are actually consuming the time and effort you are trying to save in the pursuit of efficiency.

When you get to the point of looking for even more time-efficient ways tackle your to-do list, you are probably over-optimising.

Most people spend even more time learning about new productivity processes and tools than they spend doing more productive tasks.

They want to fiddle with every productivity system. They take to new systems and structures easily and derive some kind of aesthetic pleasure from seeing their work presented in a new way.

The real question is, does every new system make work better?

Most tools won’t work for your specific needs. They will only slow you down, especially if you have to keep switching between them to get even simple things done.

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Hospital employees are what they eat ... at work. A new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine finds that hospital employees who purchased the least healthy food in the cafeteria were more likely to have an unhealthy diet outside of work, be overweight and/or obese, and have risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease when compared to employees who made healthier purchases.Employees' health can affect an organization's bottom line in multiple ways. Prior research shows obesity contributes to higher absenteeism, lower productivity, and higher healthcare expenses for employers.


With this in mind, healthcare leaders can help their employees and their organizations by shaping worksite wellness programs that improve long-term health outcomes and reduce costs."Employer-sponsored programs to promote healthy eating could reach millions of Americans and help to curb obesity, a worsening epidemic that too often leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer," lead investigator Anne N. Thorndike, MD, MPH, division of general internal medicine, department of medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, said in a news release.

Healthy food, healthy employee

Researchers studied 602 Massachusetts General Hospital employees who regularly used the hospital's cafeterias and were enrolled in a health promotion study in 2016 to 2018. They analyzed worksite food purchases from cash register data, food consumption reports from surveys, cardio-metabolic test results, diagnoses, and medication information. After developing a Healthy Purchasing Score (HPS) to rate the dietary quality of employees' overall purchases, the investigators compared participants' HPS to the quality of their overall diet. They also assessed measures of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Topplay said employees with the lowest HPS had the lowest overall dietary quality and the highest risk for obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Healthier purchases were associated with higher dietary quality and lower prevalence of obesity, hypertension, and prediabetes/diabetes.

Employers can support good health

Most Americans spend about half their waking hours at work and consume food acquired at work so there is a strong potential for employers to positively influence their workers' health.

"Workplace wellness programs have the potential to promote lifestyle changes among large populations of employees, yet to date there have been challenges to developing effective programs. We hope our findings will help to inform the development of accessible, scalable, and affordable interventions," said study investigator Jessica L. McCurley, PhD, MPH, postdoctoral fellow at the department of medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. For example, as part of the hospital's "Choose Well, Eat Well" program, foods and beverages in its cafeterias have "traffic light" labels to indicate their healthfulness:

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The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's international task force released an outline for improving the physical health of people suffering from mental illnesses. "The disparities in physical health outcomes for people with mental illness are currently regarded as a human rights scandal," said commission chair Joseph Firth, of Western Sydney University, in a statement.

Alkermes updated their new drug application to be submitted to the FDA for their olanzapine/samidorphan treatment ALKS 3831 to include an indication for bipolar I disorder.

Most patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder by a primary care physician weren't subsequently referred to a psychiatrist. 

The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's international task force released an outline for improving the physical health of people suffering from mental illnesses. "The disparities in physical health outcomes for people with mental illness are currently regarded as a human rights scandal," said commission chair Joseph Firth, of Western Sydney University, in a statement.

Alkermes updated their new drug application to be submitted to the FDA for their olanzapine/samidorphan treatment ALKS 3831 to include an indication for bipolar I disorder.

Most patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder by a primary care physician weren't subsequently referred to a psychiatrist. 

Even after psychiatric hospitalization, risk for suicide remained much higher than the general population.

A genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified three loci in particular associated with suicide attempts in major depressive disorder, bipolar, and mood disorders. 

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If you’ve been wondering if that nasty, aggressive coworker is actually a psychopath in disguise, there might be a little clue: Try yawning and see if he or she yawns back.

(cr.topplay the power of habit)

People high in psychopathic personality traits often don’t “catch” the contagious yawn, according to a report published in Personality and Individual Differences. The reason is they aren’t particularly empathetic, said the study’s lead author, Brian Rundle, a behavioral scientist at Baylor University.

Contagious yawning — or yawning when you see someone else do it — is a very primitive form of communication and bonding, Rundle said. And according to a new study published in the journal Current Biology, it's true: If someone near you yawns, you're more likely to yawn, too (psychopaths excluded). It's not just humans who do this, chimpanzees and dogs do it, too. The study also found that it's difficult to resist yawning if we're instructed to stop.

Rundle is quick to point out that diagnosing psychopaths is more complicated than just watching to see if they yawn after you do. That’s because the likelihood that someone will catch a contagious yawn is dependent on a number of factors, including age — you’re less likely to yawn after someone else if you’re older — and familiarity — you’re more likely to yawn after someone else if you know the person.

Still, he said, whether it’s in the boardroom or the bedroom, the study shows that you are more likely follow up on someone else’s yawn if you score low in psychopathic traits.

For the study, Rundle and his colleagues rounded up 135 college students and had them fill out a standard assessment of psychopathic traits, called the Psychopathic Personality Inventory. Questions were designed to ferret out traits such as cruelty, selfishness, impulsivity, aggression and empathy.

Normal folks fall in the 50 percent range, Rundle said, adding that there were some students who scored very low and some who scored up in the 90th percentile.

You might immediately think of serial killers burying bodies in the basement when you think of psychopathy, but Rundle said, “people high in psychopathic traits may just be hard to connect with, it doesn’t mean they are malicious individuals.”

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There's no one recipe for a long life, but Dr. Oz has gathered plenty of delicious ideas from around the world to give it a try.Oz joined us as part of Living Longer TODAY to share some favorite recipes inspired by super ingredients around the globe.

"Everywhere you go has unique and amazing foods that are not only delicious, but can help you live a long, healthy life," Dr. Oz says.

Click on this map to find recipes from some of Dr. Oz's healthy hot spots.

Chapulines is the Mexican word for grasshoppers. Hear us out: This great source of protein is better for the environment than meat and you can buy them pre-roasted for these delicious tacos.

Quinoa is one of the healthiest whole grains and nearly a complete protein because it contains all nine essential acids. Try it in this salad with purple potatoes, another Peruvian native.

Hazelnuts are a good source of antioxidants, but eating them in a chocolate spread doesn't quite cut it. For the most benefit, eat whole roasted nuts with the antioxidant-dense skin. And you can still keep the chocolate.

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Planning a getaway should not be that hard especially if you wish to go for your goals. There are tons of amazing places which you and your travel buddies could check out around the world. If you wish to have a blast on your vacation then why not consider checking out the 5 wonders of the world? It will surely make your memories unforgettable! Just imagine the breathtaking places itself plus its history and all. Let us share with you these incredible places today.

(cr: topplay the power of habit)

Great Pyramid of Giza
It is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops. This pyramid is actually the largest and oldest pyramids among the three pyramids in Egypt. It is also the oldest among the 7 wonders of the world that is still intact. The amazing pyramid has three chambers inside it and said that no one has been able to open it until these modern days. There are the Queen and King’s chambers, two mortuary temples, and the small mastaba tomb connecting in the temples.

Colossus of Rhodes
It is the statue of the Greek sun-god Helios. This was erected to celebrate the victory of the Rhodes. It is one of the oldest 7 wonders of the world which you should see with a measurement of 70 cubits or 33 meters (108 feet) high which is also the same height as the Statue of the Liberty from crown to feet. It is considered to be the tallest ancient statue in the world. However, it was collapsed during the earthquake on 226 B.C. but there was still some part of it that is still intact.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
This is consider3ed to be one of the ancient 7 wonders of the world. You will certainly be amazed at its tiered stairs of trees, plants, flowers, and vines which resembled a mountain. The said was mythical. It is listed in the Hellenic culture.

Leaning Tower Of Pisa

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Hangxiety: a term used by some to describe that feeling of existential dread, fear and guilt experienced by many the morning after a big night.

Yet a recent study shows that this is more than just a word to describe a mega hangover.

The study, called Shyness, alcohol use disorders and ‘hangxiety’: A naturalistic study of social drinkers, found that shy people are more likely to have anxiety, possibly at debilitating levels, during a hangover.

The findings also suggest that for these people hangxiety might signal a higher risk of alcohol addiction. Scientists found a strong link between increased anxiety levels the next day and Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test scores, the test used to screen and identify people who are at risk of developing a drinking problem.

Beth Marsh, research assistant in the Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology at University College London, designed the study. 

97 social drinkers with either high or low levels of shyness were analysed, with one half told to drink as normal while the other half abstained. 

There was a significant increase in anxiety levels the following day in the highly shy people who drank.

Surprisingly, researchers also discovered that participants’ anxiety levels while intoxicated, shy or not, didn’t change with alcohol consumption.

With more parties than usual on our radar, drinking is a natural social lubricant. However, while alcohol may loosen inhibitions in the short-term, the fact remains that alcohol is a depressant, as shown by this study.

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Congratulations! You’ve survived “small-talk season,” a month chock-full of holiday office parties, open houses and other festive gatherings. Unless you share Stephen Colbert’s gift of gab, it can be a struggle when it comes to initiating small talk that flows into congenial conversation.

Like it or not, small talk is a skill that’s often integral to your social and vocational success, and for many of us it’s a skill we could use year-round. Here are some tips to help you channel your inner Colbert — minus, of course, the obvious no-no of discussing politics.

Begin With The End in Mind

Before you even walk in to a new client dinner meeting, social gathering, or event you’re attending solo, spend a little time reviewing who you are most likely to meet and what your goals are for your interactions. For instance, if you’re attending an annual neighborhood party, maybe you want to make sure you connect with folks you already know, as well as meet one or two new people. If it’s a networking event, your goal might be to make a memorable business connection with six new people. Knowing your objectives can make small talk feel more meaningful and make you feel more relaxed.

Debra Fine, lecturer and author of “The Fine Art of Small Talk,” says, “As I drive to a party, I try to come up with two or three things to talk about in case the conversation runs dry. If I’ve met the host before, I try to remember things about her, like her passion for skiing or a charity we were both involved in.”

It’s Not About You

The reason you’re talking small in the first place is to actually get to know someone else. These strategies will help others open up to you:

Put away your phone. Really, just do it. Only then will you be able to give someone your full attention and the right impression that you are all-in on meeting them.
Smile as you introduce yourself with a warm handshake, hug, or peck on the cheek — whatever greeting fits the occasion and your shared familiarity. Try to casually repeat their name to help you remember it; doing so is noted as nice by most people. “A golden rule (of small talk) is that you don’t have to be brilliant―just nice,” says Bernardo J. Carducci, Ph.D., director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast.

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Potterheads have a new destination in downtown Los Angeles. Billed as “a place for wizards, witches, and muggles alike,” Nimbus Coffee opened its doors on June 18.

The cafe is not an official Harry Potter property, but more of an homage to J.K. Rowling’s iconic series, with whimsical decor and details. There’s a wall of wands–sure to be the Instagram backdrop of choice–and plenty of vintage books and trunks, along with some quirky portraits of real-life celebrities made over as wizards and witches.

On the menu you can order a “blueberry polyjuice” or “strawberry veritas”–or go for a non-wizardy “latte,” made with beans from local roaster Tectonic Coffee. Food is currently limited to a pastry case, but additional house-made dishes may come online in the future.

Setting Nimbus apart from some other pop culture cafes is this one intends to be a permanent fixture, not a limited-time pop-up.

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